


Wedding Dress
Wedding Cake

This was a shoe string budget wedding.  Being the oldest kids of each family, we were paying for most of the wedding ourselves while in college.  We both worked multiple jobs during the summer and during school.

  • We were able to have our flowers made from stock that was considered "day old" at a discount florist.
  • A friend's band from high school played for the reception.
  • All of the dresses were home-made including the wedding dress.  Hairpieces were all hand made using wood pulp to fashion each petal.
  • The ladies from the farmer's market served the dinner - price was under $1.50 per person.
  • Jo Ann Grimm, our neighbor made the wedding cake.  In order to keep costs down because there were over 500 guests, several sheet cakes were made so that the actual wedding cake did not have to be any bigger.
  • The reception was held in the parish hall which also served as a gym.  Decorations were kept simple.
  • Jim Reinholtz, took the pictures for the wedding for the cost of film and developing.  He was the photographer for the Elkhart Truth who took pictures for Pat's feature articles and many of the area events.

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This site was last updated 12/01/02